Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1 What is IRBI ?
Ans. IRBI is basically a reference point for the insurance industry executives for allowing them to create a formal blueprint for their organization.There are three offerings from us, two of them are hard bound books and one is browser based platform. The industry reference models in these three offering allows organizations to better manage strategic, competitive, regulatory and social drivers.
Q.2 How 3 versions are different ?
Ans. These three versions are interconnected but have some differences.
EXECUTIVE EDITION is a focused version for executives that need the approach and the "big-picture" of the Blueprint.The executive edition offers an end-to-end view of the enterprise in a visual way.The REFERENCE EDITION contains everything contained in the executive edition. PLUS, descriptions of each of the items used in the model diagrams.The descriptions ensure that a large set of the audience within the organization can derive the same meaning of a given term in the model. Lastly, the COLLABORATION EDITION contains everything contained in the Reference edition, though BROWSER BASED for Collaboration features.The Collaboration Edition offers a rich viewer to pan-n-zoom the large drawings with hyperlinks to details. This edition also provides updates to the models (additional processes, metrics, etc.) that be automatically available to the users. Users can mark pages and sections to watch and get notified when the content is updated in response to contributions by others. Browser Based experience and easy to use.
Q.3 How it is helpful ?
Ans. These books and browser based editions are really helpful and allows organizations to better manage their strategic, competitive, regulatory and social drivers by reusing file resources.
1-Introduction to leveraging blueprint approach to manage enterprise complexity.
2-A reference business model of typical insurance organization.
3-A set of information systems models for typical organization.
4-A reference technology model to support the information systems.
5-An approach for mapping the above three viewpoints to enable end-to-end visibility across the enterprise.
Q.4 Who can use it ?
Ans. Various models covered in the blueprint cover the perspective of insurance professional like business executives, IT, operations and vendors.
Business Executives use reference blueprint to: plan the business strategies; create an organizational structure; and further elaborate detailed processes to execute the strategies. The mapping between the business model, information systems model and technology model, allows end-to-end visibility, which is needed to plan realistic strategies that reuse business knowledge while maximizing leverage out of information and technology.
IT professionals are using reference blueprint to plan and manage the application, information and technology portfolio. With a traceable visibility between various elements of the business model and information technology , the IT professionals have information at their fingertips to create sustainable strategies where they don’t lose organization’s patience by recreating the wheel as part of each project. Also, the taxonomy provided in the information systems model and technology model, allows the IT professional to catalog vast and ever-increasing count of applications and technology that the organization needs.
Operations professionals, vendors and service organizations benefit from both of the above use cases, by leveraging a readily available body of knowledge to solidify their plans and execute their strategies.
Q.5 How it is different from other blueprint books ?
Ans. Seasoned executives would know that they can easily spend million dollars developing this material in-house (if they would ever succeed). These books would represent a 99.9% savings for such executives buying this material off-the-shelf and have following qualities:
- Standardize the terminology within & outside the organization.
- Scoping the initiatives "right" using the models as a checklist and get consensus faster
- Determine the impact of any internal or external change on the organization, including regulatory, strategic, competitive (including M&A)
- Jump start the project requirements and avoid reinventing the wheel across business and technology by using reference models for taxonomy to catalog building blocks
- Determine appropriate operational structure using industry knowledge as a point of reference
f.Aligning business and IT
- Bolster the information technology capabilities with architecture accelerators
- Application Portfolio Optimization
Q.6 Who is the author? How much experience he has?
Ans. The author is Mr. Aman aggarwal who has a deep knowledge and a experience in Insurance-Technology. Mr. Aggarwal is certified as CPCU, EA, ACE, TOGAF, SCEA, PMP certification and a MSc degree. His insurance and technology industry colleagues describe him as a “think tank” and a “3 in 1”. He has gained this reputation with his unique blend of deep expertise across technology, insurance, and strategy management.
Even with this knowledge and experience, he often found himself reinventing the wheel in documenting the same planning ingredients over and over with each new initiative. Looking around, he could not find a comprehensive knowledge base of architecture for the P&C insurance industry, which a leader can use to accelerate his or her work. That is when he decided to create this blueprint.
His competency as a subject matter expert is supported by the following industry certifications.
CPCU – Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter - AICPCU
CEA – Certified Enterprise Architect - EACOE ACE – ACORD Certified Expert- ACORD
TOGAF9 – The Open Group Architecture Framework 9 - The Open Group PMP – Project Management Professional – PMI
SCEA – Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java - Sun Microsystems
MSc – Master of Science (Computer Science)
Q.7 there any offer or discount right now ?
Ans. Yes,we have some exiting offers going on for our products including free editions. For more details, kindly visit our ‘Promotions’ section.